Lori King-Roberts
About Lori
Lori King-Roberts is a central Illinois author and poet and a Decatur native. She is a 63-year-old kid from
the West End who has written for decades but has only begun to publish her work during the last 3
years. Her stories and poems are familiar and strange, humorous, and poignant, gritty, and graceful.
Her first book, “UNLOCKED” - released in April of 2022. Her second book, “PRODIGAL SPECTRUM” -
released in December of 2024. Both are available on Amazon and locally through various locations and
events. She is available for readings as her schedule allows.
We listened to Aretha’s story
Sacred, bitter sweet and certainly tear stained
Like a church window
You and I
Desperate for rest and the get up and go that I know we’ll both spoon into for breakfast
In the near dark
I smell honeysuckle reaching through the front screen door
I catch lightning bugs practicing their last Do-Si-Dos of the summer
I breathe in my night cap
My kiss on the forehead
And watch our farm
Shimmy into the night
For now
There is grace
This grace we call home
Contact Me
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.