Dr. Carmella Braniger
About Carmella
Dr. Carmella J. Braniger is a Professor of English at Millikin University, where she teaches creative writing and literature. She has published several narrative poems, over fifty micropoems, and more than a dozen poetry sequences. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Sycamore Review; MARGIE: The American Journal of Poetry; Modern English Tanka; Altas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka; Ribbons; Chrysanthemums; red lights; Magnapoet; and Eucalypt. Her chapbook, No One May Follow, was published by Pudding House Publications in 2009. She recently served as the Distinguished Warren F. Hardy Professor of English during which she spent two years researching narrative testimony and poetry of witness as genres for processing and sharing our traumatic pasts and writing a new book of poems entitled Lax of Lilies.
Sample Poem
Sample Poem coming soon...
Contact Me
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Phone: info coming soon